Frequently Asked Questions
There are a lot of people out there offering coaching, how can I tell the good ones?
There are several aspects to choosing a coach:
Look for a coach that is personally successful; owns their own home, has investments, has business experience.
Find someone you connect with, i.e. will ask you the questions that make you think. When they leave you should feel you have been heard.
Choose curiosity over ideas, Its your business and a coaches role is to get you doing what you need to do. Some one with ideas that has not listened to you is a problem waiting to happen.
Look around, try a few out.
How long does it take to get results?
Results can sometimes be almost immediate, other times it may take months for visible progress to show, the minimum initial time frame is 3 months. Some clients continue for many years.
The results seem too good to be true?
Yes some businesses can get great results in a short time. More often it takes some work to put things right. Sometimes its all just too late and the inevitable still happens. In almost all cases (90% +) people are happy with the result.
Success depends very much on the owner being proactive in implementing the strategies agreed to.
Do you work outside Bendigo
Where it is practical I will make an initial visit to get the feel of the business then, usually, our appointments will be by Phone and Internet. About 50% of coaching worldwide is done on the phone
What if Business Coaching does not work for me?
If at the end of a month you have taken the actions you agreed to do, or discussed what’s stopped you from taking these actions, and kept your coaching appointments then I’m confident you will be happy with the results. If however, you believe you have not received value from your coaching then I will repeat that months coaching free of charge.
There is no lock in contract, you can finish up at the end of any month after the 3rd month (with notice).
Can I afford Business Coaching?
Consider this short example: for 5 employees: If just 5 minutes of extra productive time could be utilised for each employee: 5 minutes X 5 employees X 8 hours X 5 days X 4 Weeks is: 40 hours – $25p/h cost ($18 plus super & worksafe & Holidays etc) works out to $1666 per/month. How long can you afford to be stuck is the real question.
How much do you charge for business coaching?
My rates work out about the same as other professionals, packages start from $680+GST per month; The above calculation puts this cost in perspective.